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Real Estate Abbreviations You Need To Know



A/C: Air Conditioner

CAC: Central Air Conditioner, also, C/A

Acc: Access (as in Acc to backyard)

Ad: Advertisement

Agr: Agricultural (as in zoned Agr)

Agmt: Agreement (as in Agmt of Purchase and Sale - APS)

A.K.A.: "Also Known As" - as in, semi-detached a.k.a. "semi".

Alum: Aluminum (as in alum siding)

Apt: Apartment (as in Basement Apt)

Apx: Approximate, also Appx

APS: Agreement of Purchase and Sale

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Bbq: Barbeque

B/I: Built-In (as in B/I Dishwasher)

B/I/DW: Built-In Dishwasher

Berber: A high quality broadloom/carpet that wears well. Not recommended for dog owners as claws will tend to catch on the fabric and damage it.

Bkfst: Breakfast (as in Bkfst Nook or Bkfst Room)

Bldg: Building

Bldrs: Builders (as in Bldrs plans)

Bdr: Bedroom (as in 4BR)

BR: Bedroom (as in 4BR)

Brdlm: Broadloam (carpet)

Bsbrds: Baseboards

Bsmt: Basement (as in finished Bsmt)

B4: Before

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C'Top: Counter Top

CAC: Central Air Conditioning also C/A

CB: Co-operating Broker (represents the buyer)

Clt: Collateral (as in Clt Agreement)

Clt Agmt: Collateral Agreement

Comb: Combined (as in Comb Living Room/Dining Room or Comb LR/DR)

Comm: Commission

Cond: Condition or Conditional

Condo: Condominium

Cov: Coverings (as in Window Cov - drapes, curtains, shears, etc)

Cvac: Central Vacuum (system)

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Desig: Designation (as in Desig heritage property)

Det: Detached (as in Det Garage or Det House or Semi Det)

Dir: Direction

Dft: Deal Fell Through (status condition on MLS - Multiple Listing Service, e.g. TREB - Toronto Real Estate Board runs the MLS for the GTA - Greater Toronto Area)

DOM: Days On Market (number of days listed as shown on MLS)

DR: Dining Room

DRs: Doors

Dryr: Dryer (as in Cloths Dryr)

DW or D/W: Dryer (as in Cloths Dryr)

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EAC: Electronic Air Cleaner

Egdo: Extra Garage Door Opener

Elect: Electric or Electrical

ELFs: Electrical Lighting Fixtures (does not include items plugged in, like table lamps but includes wired-in appliances like chandeliers, and pot lights and track lights.

Ent: Entrance(as in separate Ent or Sep Ent)

Excl: Excluded (as in Excl Chandelier)

Exp: Expired (as in Exp Listing, a status condition on MLS)

Exh: Exhaust (as in Exh fan or Exh to outside)

Ext: Exterior

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FAG: Forced Air Gas (as in FAG furnace or heating system)

Fam: Family (as in Fam Room or Fam Rm, or FR or F/R

Feat: Feature or Features (as in Feat a pool)

Fin: Finished

Fl: Floor (as in main Fl or hardwood Fl or Hdw Fl)


Fr: Front Room, also FRrm

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Gar: Garage, also Grg

Gdo: Garage Door Opener

GdoR: Garage Door Opener remote (handheld device to activate the opener)

GB&E: Gas Burner and Equipment (furnace)

GST: Goods and Services Tax (See also PST and HST)

GTA: Greater Toronto Area

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Hi-Eff: High-Efficiency (furnace) or HE

HST: Harmonized Sales Tax - combined GST + PST, effective in Ontario July 1, 2010

Hwt(R): Hot Water Tank (Rental)


I/G: Inground (as in I/G swimming pool)

Incl: Included

Insp: Inspection (as in Insp report or home Insp)

Int: Interior or Interest (rate)

Irr: Irregular, also Irreg (as in Irr lot size)

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Jr: Junior (as in Jr Bedroom or Jr BR)

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Kit: Kitchen

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L/A: Listing Agent also L.A.

LB: Lockbox also Lbx, also Listing Brokerage

LBO: Listing Broker Office (as in keys or documents at Lbo)

Loc: Location

Low-Eff: Low-Efficiency (furnace)

LR: Living Room also L/R

Lux: Luxury ( as in Lux condo)

Lvl: Level

LVR: Loan-to-Value Ratio

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Mbr: Master Bedroom

Micro: Microwave

Mn: Main (as in Mn Floor or MnFl or MnFlr or M/F)

Mnths: Months, also Mos or Mth

Msrmts: Measurements

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Nr: Near


Occup: Occupied or Occupancy (as in the apartment Occup or Occup Permit for new home construction)

O/Looks: Overlooks (as in dining room O/looks Living Room or DR O/Looks LR)

ONHWP: Ontario New Home Warranty Program

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Part: Partly (as in Part finished basement)

PC: Piece , also pc (as in 3PC bathroom, 3pcBR)

PITI: Principal, Interest, Taxes, and Insurance with regard to a mortgage or loan.

PST: Provincial Sales Tax

Pvt: Private (as in Pvt yard)

Pwdr: Powder (as in Powdr Room, Pwdr Rm)

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REA: Real Estate Agent or Realtor

Rec: Recreation (as in RecRoom or Rec Rm)

Res: Residence, also residential (as in zoned Res)

R/I: Rough-In (as in R/I fireplace or dishwasher)

Rm: Room

R/O: Reverse Osmosis (water purification system)

REA: Real Estate Agent

Rrea: Registered Real Estate Agent

RSA: Room Sizes Approximate

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Sds: Sides (as in Sides on the park)

Sec: Security

Sep: Separate (as in Sep Living Room and Dining Room or Sep LR/DR)

Sgwo: Sliding Glass Door Walkout

Sl: Sliding (as in Sl glass patio doors)

Sol: Solarium

Spec: Special

SPIS: Seller Property Information Statement

Sq: Square (as in 100 sq feet)

Sqft: Square Feet

S/S: Stainless Steel (appliances)

Stv: Stove

Sys: System ( as in Security Sys or Sec Sys)

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T/O: ThroughOut

Tba: To Be Announced or Arranged (as the possession date is Tba - meaning negotiable)

TTC: Toronto Transit Commission (bus and subway system in Toronto)

TLC: Tender Loving Care meaning needs some repairs.

TMI: Tax, Maintenance, Insurance.

TREB: Toronto Real Estate Board.

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UFFI: Urea Formaldehyde Foam Insulation

Upgr: Upgraded (as in carpet upgr or upgr cabinets)

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W: With (as in comes w all appliances)

W/D or W&D: Washer And Dryer

W/I: Walk-In (as in W/I closet)

W/L: Where Laid ( as in carpet W/L) also W/Laid

W/O: Walk-Out (as in Basement Apartment W/O or W/O to deck)

W/W: Wall-to-Wall (as in W/W carpet or window or closet)

Win: Window (as in Win covering or Win Cov)



Yr: Year

Yrly: Yearly

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2: To (as in a short walk 2 the park)

4+2: The number after the + means in the basement. Example: Bedrooms: 4+2 means 4 BR on main or upper floors and 2 in the basement.

10: rated high as in 10 out of 10

@: At (as in keys @ office or lights @rear)

$/mo: price or dollars per month

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